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Plant Sizing

Please view the following pictures below as examples of sizing.

(and yes, I am the man in the straw hat...)

General ball and burlap sizing guidelines:


1.25" caliper trunk =   8' to 10' average height

1.50" caliper trunk = 10' to 12' average height

1.75" caliper trunk = 10' to 12' average height with fuller head than 1.5"

2.00" caliper trunk = 12' to '14' average height

2.50" caliper trunk = 12' to 14' average height with fuller head than 2.5"

3.00" caliper trunk = 14' to 16' average height


3" caliper trees (trunk circumference)

3" Celebration Maple - deciduous tree

Heading 4

3" Purple Rivers Beech - deciduous tree

3" Pin Oak -

deciduous tree

2.5" caliper trees (trunk circumference)

2.5" (25 gal) Red Sunset Maple - deciduous tree

2.5" Weeping Cherry - deciduous tree

2.5" Canada Red Cherry - deciduous tree

2" caliper trees (trunk circumference)

2" Sunburst Honeylocust - deciduous tree

2" Princeton Elm - deciduous tree

2" Paperbark Maple - deciduous tree

Maple, Redsunset 2 inch caliper.JPG

2" Red Sunset Maple - deciduous tree

Chokecherry, Canada Red 2 inch caliper.J

2" Canada Red Chokecherry- deciduous tree

Lilac Tree, China Snow 2 inch caliper (6

2" China Snow Lilac - deciduous tree

Autumn Blaze Maple 2.jpg

2" Autmn Blaze Maple -

deciduous tree


2" Hornbeam -

deciduous tree

Red Point Maple 2.jpg

2" Redpointe Maple -

deciduous tree

1.75" caliper trees (trunk circumference)

1.75" Tulip Poplar - deciduous tree

Crabapple, Red Jewel 1.75 inch caliper.J

1.75" Red Jewel Crabapple  -

deciduous tree

Maple, Green Mountain 1.75 inch caliper.

1.75" Green Mountain Maple  -

deciduous tree

1.5" caliper trees (trunk circumference)

1.5" Cherokee Sweetgum - deciduous tree

Redbud, Hearts of Gold 1.5 inch caliper.

1.5" Hearts of Gold Redbud - deciduous tree

Maple, Autumn Blaze 1.5 inch caliper.JPG

1.5" Autumn Blaze Maple - deciduous tree

14' trees

14' River Birch.jpg

14' River Birch - clump

deciduous tree

8' trees 

Redbud, Eastern 8-10 foot clump.JPG

8' Eastern Redbud -

deciduous tree

Birch, Heritage 8 foot.JPG

 8' Heritage Birch - deciduous tree

Dogwood, Kousa 8 foot.JPG

8' Kousa Dogwood -

deciduous tree

Hemlocks, Canadian 8 foot.JPG

8' Canadian Hemlock -

evergreen tree

Spruce, White 8 foot.JPG

8' White Spruce -

evergreen tree

7' trees 

Spruce, Norway 7 foot.JPG

7' Norway Spruce -

evergreen tree

Redbud, Pink Heartbreaker 7-8 foot conta

7-8' Pink Heartbreaker Redbud -

deciduous tree

Spruce, Serbian 7 foot.JPG

7' Serbian Spruce -

evergreen tree

6' trees 

Dogwood, Pink 6 foot.JPG

6' Pink Dogwood -

deciduous tree

Redbud, 6-7 foot 25 gallon container clu

6-7' Clump Redbud -

deciduous tree

Arborvitae, Emerald Green 6-6.5 foot.JPG

6' Emerald Green Arborvitae -

evergreen tree

7 gallon container shrub

Cypress, Gold Mop 7 gallon container.JPG

7 gal Gold Cypress Mop - 

evergreen shrub

Holly, China boy or girl 7 gallon contai

7 gal China Holly - 

evergreen shrub

Burning Bush, Dwarf 36 inch 7 gallon con

7 gal Burning Bush- 

deciduous shrub

5 gallon container shrub

Spruce, Globe 5 gallon container.JPG

5 gal Globe Blue Spruce - 

evergreen shrub

Caryopteris, Dark Knight 5 gallon contai

5 gal Dark Knight Caryopteris - 

deciduous shrub

Plum, Purple Leaf Sandcherry 5 gallon co

5 gal Purpleleaf Sandcherry - 

deciduous shrub

Sweetspire, Henry's Garnet 5 gallon cont

5 gal Henry's Garnet Sweetspire - 

deciduous shrub

3 gallon container shrub

Spirea, Anthony Waterer 3 gallon contain

3 gal Anthony Waterer Spirea -

deciduous shrub

Summersweet, Ruby Spice 3 gallon.JPG

3 gal Ruby Spice Sweetsprire -

deciduous shrub

Spruce, Birds Nest 15 inch 3 gallon cont

3 gal Birds Nest Spruce -

evergreen shrub

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